Small changes can add up to a big difference

Introducing ABB's 1% challenge

ABB are inviting water companies across the UK to challenge us to find untapped opportunities for saving energy across their facilities and operations.

Changing the operating parameters of some water handling processes by as little as 1% can improve the energy efficiency of pumping equipment disproportionately, with no negative process impact.

Cumulatively, improvements in operating efficiency could help the sector to save up to £60 million per year in energy costs.

Improve system efficiency

If you’d like to challenge ABB to identify how the motors and drives that run your processes can be made more energy efficient, please request a free, no-obligation Energy and Optimization Appraisal.

Following an initial consultation, we’ll conduct a site visit to identify opportunities for energy saving and follow up a short while later with a full report documenting the potential saving.

Request an Energy and Optimization Appraisal today!

For more information on energy savings, or to request your free no-obligation energy and optimisation appraisal, please fill out the form below and our engineers will be in contact.

Fill out the form below, and our engineers will be in contact.

Energy saving showcase